Quran 15
Only references to similar verses from various scriptures are provided, so the full scriptures are not available.

Quran 15:6
And they say, "O you whom the message has been sent down upon, indeed you are possessed [by devils of jinn]. *Matthew 11:18*, *Luke 7:33*, *John 7:20*, *John 8:48*, *John 10:20*
Quran 15:11
And no messenger would come to them except that they ridiculed him. *2* Chronicles 36:16
Quran 15:19
And the earth - We have spread it *Isaiah 42:5*, *Isaiah 44:24* and cast firmly set [mountains] therein and caused [something] of every well-balanced thing to grow therein.
Quran 15:23
And indeed, it is We who give life and cause death, *Deuteronomy 32:39*, *1Samuel 2:6, *4Maccabees 18:19 and We are the Inheritors.
Quran 15:26
And We certainly created man out of clay *Genesis 2:7* from an altered black mud.
Quran 15:29
And when I have proportioned him and breathed into him *Genesis 2:7*, *2Ezra 3:5 of My [Holy] Spirit, then fall down to him in prostration." *Hebrews 1:6* 15:30 So the angels prostrated - all of them entirely
Quran 15:33
He said, "I would never prostrate to a human whom You created out of clay ~*Gospel of Barnabas 35:3* from an altered black mud."
Quran 15:45
Indeed, those who fear [God will be] within gardens and springs. *BookOfEnoch 48:1 15:46 [Having* been told], "Enter it in peace, safe [and secure]."
Quran 15:47
And We will remove whatever is in their hearts of resentment, [so they will be] brothers, facing each other on thrones. *BookOfEnoch 108:12
Quran 15:53
[The angels] said, "Do not fear. Indeed, we give you good news of a knowledgeable boy." *Genesis 18:10*
Quran 15:65
So set out with your family *Genesis 19:15* during a portion of the night and follow behind them and do not let anyone among you look back *Genesis 19:17* and continue on to where you are commanded."
Quran 15:66
And We conveyed [the decree] of that matter to him - that the roots of those [sinners] would be cut off by [early] morning. *Genesis 19:23*
Quran 15:71
[Lot] said, "These are my daughters - if you would be doers [of lawful marriage]." *Genesis 19:8*
Quran 15:73
So the shriek seized them ~*Amos 1:2*, ~*Amos 2:2*, ~*Joel 2:11*, ~*Joel 3:16* at sunrise. *Genesis 19:23*
Quran 15:74
And We made the highest part [of the city] its lowest and rained stones of hard clay upon them. *Genesis 19:24*, *Luke 17:29*
Quran 15:83
But the shriek seized them ~*Amos 1:2*, ~*Amos 2:2*, ~*Joel 2:11*, ~*Joel 3:16* in the [early] morning.